CATA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee

The EDI Committee strives to ensure all CATA members and patient populations are represented and included with equitable access to opportunities regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, ability, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.  We request demographic data about our members, patients, and community, to address decisions that ignore or potentially worsen existing disparities or produce other unintended consequences, and ensure they are highlighted and revised.  EDI will serve to host a wide range of voices from one of the most diverse states in the country, allow all groups to be represented at the decision-making table, and serve as a resource for best practices while working with diverse populations.

EDI Committee Objectives:

  • Advance, encourage, and improve the Athletic Training Profession through enhancing equity, diversity, and inclusion

  • Reveal relevant opportunities to members

  • Elevate equity amongst our membership and the profession

  • Ensure the CATA leads inclusively

  • Encourage recruitment, retention, advocacy, development, policy, programming, and relevant leadership opportunities to close potential future gaps within our profession and the communities we serve.

Your voice matters!

The committee seeks EDI advocates from all backgrounds interested in furthering the support of California’s athletic trainers, patients and community. Here are ways you can get involved:

  • Actively participate in our monthly Zoom meetings. Dropping in on EDI meetings are welcome!

  • Contribute to special projects or events, or attend periodically.

  • Receive and engage in email discussions amongst the EDI committee.

Come meet with us!

Drop in our our next meeting:

Tuesday, February 18

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Awards, Recognitions and Scholarships

BOC Scholarship

The CATA EDI Committee is awarding funds for BOC Exam registration fees.

Upcoming Deadline: MARCH 8, 2025

CATA Symposium Scholarship

Stay tuned for more details!

Follow CATA

Resource Library


Your willingness to examine your own possible biases is an important step in understanding the roots of stereotypes and prejudice in our society. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Meet the CATA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee!

Monica Ohkubo, DSc, ATC, EMT-B

Committee Member

Santa Rosa Junior College

Community College

Kimi Lew, MHA, ATC, CEAS

Committee Chair

Sutter Health

Healthcare Administration

Alyssa Vaniman, DAT, ATC

Committee Member

L.A. Children’s Hospital

Secondary School

Crystal Dos Santos, M.Ed., ATC

Committee Member

Notre Dame HS-San Jose

Secondary School

Monica Islas, ATC

Committee Member

Body Wellness

Entrepreneur/Solo Practice

Jamie DeRollo, DAT, MBA, ATC

Committee Member

Modesto Junior College

Community College

Jeffrey Ward, ATC, CSCS

Committee Member

CSU Maritime Academy


Alejandra Merriman, DAT, ATC, CES

Committee Member


Secondary School

Interested in joining the team?

Those interested in participating should email the EDI Committee Chair:

Kimi Lew, MHA, ATC, CEAS