Interested in the steps to become a Certified Athletic Trainer?
Get Educated.
Not just anyone can walk off the street and provide care to patients the way an athletic trainer can. It takes time, education, and lots of work to become a certified athletic trainer.
Get Certified.
When you work with a certified athletic trainer you'll recognize that they all have ATC behind their names, some may even have LAT. Those are certifications that show they’re the real deal.

Get Educated
Program Types
Also known as Entry-Level Programs. Available for individuals looking to enter into the athletic training professions.
Available for individuals who are already credentialed as athletic trainers looking to further their education and/or experience in the field.
Athletic Training Programs
Masters-Level Degree
Entry level athletics training programs are only available at the post-baccaleurete level starting Fall of 2022. Transitioning to a Masters-level degree gains many benefits including high academic standards, and completing only athletic training courses to name a few.
Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Programs (CAATE)
All Entry-Level Athletic Training Programs are accredited by CAATE. There are many CAATE accredited professional programs available all over the country.

Get Certified
Board of Certification (BOC) Exam
In order to be eligible to take the BOC exam an individual must complete/graduate an entry-level athletic training program and must be confirmed by the program director.
Maintaining Certification
Like many respected healthcare professions Athletic Trainers need to complete Continuing Education Units (CEUs) every couple of years in order to stay certified. This is to ensure that all athletic trainers have access to the most up to date health care standards and their patients receive cutting edge healthcare.
Get Licensed
State Regulations
Varies by State
Depending on what state you want to work you may also need to obtain licensure. Licensing creates a scope of practice and tells a healthcare professional what they can and cannot perform in their respective states.
Did you know?
California is the ONLY state in the entire United States and its Territory that has no regulation whatsoever for who can call themselves an “Athletic Trainer”.
Lack of regulation on who can call themselves an “athletic trainer” can cause many issues in regards to healthcare received by an individual. The CATA is working diligently with legislators to get licensure for certified athletic trainers in the state of California.
Always ask if your athletic trainer is “certified”