Providing active Californians access to healthcare.

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CATA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Pledge

As a member of the CATA Leadership, I am an agent of change who believes that all CATA activities and leadership opportunities should be committed to drive the CATA vision of developing and implementing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion strategies and best practice.

I lead by example by celebrating others and all cultures. I promise to treat all people with dignity and respect; and I will not tolerate any form of negative interactions, either verbal or non-verbal. I will confront offensive jokes, remarks or mistreatment of any individual. I will create a safe, supportive and inclusive community for everyone. I promise to promote a safe and healthy workplace. I promise to honor my words through my actions.

There is much work to be done and we must all come together to advance conversations and provide solutions for systemic oppression, social injustice, and economic and healthcare disparities. Through our own individual and collective growth by broadening education, training, networking, and having uncomfortable conversations, the CATA will provide change.

This is my pledge.

File a Complaint

Have you had a less than ideal experience with a Certified Athletic Trainer or someone posing as an “Athletic Trainer?” Please use the link below to file a complaint to the CATA about the experience you had or witnessed. The CATA strives to ensure that all Californians receive Athletic Training Care from a Certified Athletic Trainer and that negative experiences are addressed to hopefully stop future negative occurrences from happening.

Your complaints remain anonymous and the CATA may reach out to you directly to inquire more about gathering information.

Resources for Athletic Trainers

We are excited to offer resources available to our members. See what resources we have available.